COURT II:      HISTORY     

In the waning years of the 20th century, as technology surged and faith in the metaphysical waned, the Greek gods faced a crisis of existence. Their power and presence, fueled by belief and worship, were diminishing rapidly. In a bold move to reassert their relevance and regain strength, they chose to reveal their true natures to the modern world. This revelation was not merely an act of desperation but a calculated decision to bridge the ancient with the contemporary, ensuring their survival and reshaping human understanding of the divine and mythical.The gods decided to found New Olympus in the pacific northwest, a location chosen for its majestic landscapes that mirror the mythical Mount Olympus of ancient Greece. They envisioned a city where gods, demi-gods, monsters, and humans could coexist. This city would serve as a sanctuary for mythical beings seeking refuge from the fading realms of myth and a place of awe for humans, rekindling their lost sense of wonder and belief in the supernatural.The integration of these diverse entities was not without its challenges. Early in its history, New Olympus faced tensions and conflicts among its inhabitants. The gods and elder beings, wielding wisdom and foresight, quickly established a set of principles and laws to govern the city, known as the Accords of Harmony. These laws were designed to maintain balance and peace by acknowledging the unique nature of each being—granting demi-gods and monsters near-immortal status but with specific vulnerabilities to keep them in check.Central to the city’s foundation was the reincarnation cycle of the gods. Unlike their immortal kin, the gods bound themselves to a human cycle of death and rebirth, each lifetime renewing their connection to both their divine essence and humanity. This cycle ensured that they remained integral to the fabric of New Olympus, guiding and influencing its growth and adaptation through each generation. Their reincarnations also served as a humbling reminder of their commitment to the city and its people, balancing their celestial perspectives with human experiences.As New Olympus grew, it became a beacon of coexistence and cultural synthesis, attracting not only those who wished to see the legends come to life but also those who sought understanding and unity among the various factions of the world—both human and mythical. The city emerged as a unique experiment, a testament to the possibility of harmony between the worlds of myth and man, and a dynamic metropolis that continued to evolve with each passing era.


The Harmonia Assembly is the governing council of New Olympus, pivotal in maintaining the city's unique blend of democracy and mythical law. Comprised of elected representatives from each district, including humans, demi-gods, and monsters, the assembly ensures that all voices are heard and integrated into the decision-making process. It meets regularly in the Hall of Concord, a grand structure located in the Hearth District. The assembly's primary role is to uphold the principles of the Accords of Harmony, arbitrate disputes, and oversee the implementation of policies that ensure the city's prosperity and peaceful coexistence among its diverse inhabitants.

  • Composition: Elected representatives from each district, representing humans, demi-gods, and monsters.

  • Location: Meets in the Hall of Concord, located in the Hearth District.

  • Function: Upholds the Accords of Harmony, arbitrates disputes, oversees policy implementation.

  • Role: Ensures all community voices are integrated into the governance of the city.

  • Meetings: Conducts regular sessions to discuss and resolve city-wide issues.


The Accords of Harmony are the foundational laws of New Olympus, created by the founding gods and mythical beings to ensure peace and order within the city. These laws are designed to respect the rights and powers of all beings while maintaining a balance that prevents any one group from dominating others. The Accords are dynamic, capable of evolving with the city and its inhabitants to address new challenges and situations as they arise.

  • Law of Mutual Existence: No being shall harm another on the basis of origin. Specific clauses include that only demi-gods may kill monsters and only monsters may kill demi-gods, under circumstances regulated by law.

  • Law of Reincarnation: Greek gods are subject to reincarnation in human forms every lifetime. Their divine memories and powers are preserved, ensuring continuity of wisdom and guidance for the city.

  • Decree of Sanctuary: New Olympus serves as a sanctuary for all mythical beings and humans. Asylum seekers from mythological realms or those facing persecution in the human world are granted refuge and rights within the city.

  • Statute of Public Harmony: Public displays of supernatural powers intended to incite fear or harm are prohibited. This law is intended to maintain public order and prevent intimidation by more powerful beings.

  • Ordinance of Integration: All inhabitants must contribute to the city’s welfare through employment, service, or by other means deemed beneficial to communal life. This includes magical beings adapting their unique skills to modern professions.

  • Directive of Fair Representation: Each district must elect representatives—human, demi-god, and monster—to the Harmonia Assembly. Elections are held every four years, ensuring that all parts of society have a voice in governance.

  • Edict of Knowledge and Culture: Preservation of mythological and human history is paramount. Education systems must integrate lessons on all cultures and histories to foster mutual understanding and respect.

  • Regulation of Conflict Resolution: Disputes involving beings of different origins are to be settled by a tribunal comprising members of each affected group. This ensures impartiality and fairness in judicial proceedings.

  • Charter of Urban Coexistence: Urban planning and development must accommodate the needs of all species and beings, ensuring that living spaces, public areas, and sanctuaries respect the natural and supernatural elements of New Olympus.

  • Covenant of Technological and Magical Fusion: The development and use of technology and magic are encouraged to be fused for the advancement of society. This integration must not harm the ecological or mystical balance of the city.

  • Mythological Police Force (MPF): This specialized unit is primarily composed of demi-gods and capable humans trained in mythological law, combat techniques, and crisis negotiation. They are equipped with magical artifacts and advanced technology to help manage situations involving powerful beings.

  • Harmonia Guardians: A select group that includes monsters and other mythological beings with inherent powers, tasked with responding to high-threat scenarios. They work closely with the MPF and are trained to use their abilities in a controlled and lawful manner.

  • Civilian Oversight Committee: Composed of elected representatives from each district, this committee ensures transparency and accountability within the law enforcement agencies. They handle public concerns and complaints, ensuring that actions of the MPF and Harmonia Guardians align with community standards and laws.

     COURT III:      DISTRICTS     




The Hearth District is the vibrant core of New Olympus, bustling with activity and cultural diversity. It's where the city’s heart beats loudest, with streets lined with a mixture of ancient-inspired architecture and modern buildings, all adorned with sculptures and motifs that echo Greek mythology. The district is famous for its expansive plazas and marketplaces, where vendors sell both ordinary goods and magical items. Key landmarks include the Hall of Concord, where the Harmonia Assembly meets, and the Pantheon Plaza, a large public space that hosts festivals and gatherings celebrating both human and mythological cultures.

Encircling the Hearth District, The Verdant Ring is a lush, green belt that acts as both a natural sanctuary and a recreational haven. This district features expansive parks, botanical gardens, and hidden groves that house creatures and plants from various mythologies. Walking trails wind through the area, dotted with small cafes and art installations that celebrate the natural world. The Elysian Fields Park, a massive public garden, offers a tranquil retreat with areas designated for picnics, sports, and quiet meditation.

The Forge Quarter is the industrial and innovation hub of New Olympus, where magic meets machinery. This district buzzes with the energy of forges and workshops where artisans craft everything from mundane tools to enchanted weapons and artifacts. The architecture here is robust, featuring reinforced structures with ornate metalwork and glowing runes. The Vulcan Foundry, the largest of such establishments, is a notable landmark where master craftsmen conduct workshops and demonstrations for the public.

  • Main Features: Blend of ancient and modern architecture, bustling marketplaces.

  • Key Landmarks: Hall of Concord, Pantheon Plaza.

  • Vibe: Energetic and diverse, a cultural melting pot.

  • Activities: Shopping for unique goods, cultural festivals, civic engagement.


  • Main Features: Parks, botanical gardens, recreational facilities.

  • Key Landmarks: Elysian Fields Park.

  • Vibe: Peaceful, natural, restorative.

  • Activities: Leisure walks, picnics, art viewing.


  • Main Features: Workshops, forges, innovation labs.

  • Key Landmarks: Vulcan Foundry.

  • Vibe: Energetic, creative, industrious.

  • Activities: Craftsmanship, artifact creation, technical demonstrations.


Dedicated to knowledge and education, The Scholar’s Enclave houses the University of New Olympus, various research institutes, and the Grand Library of Myths and Mankind, which contains an invaluable collection of ancient scrolls and modern research. The district is characterized by elegant, scholarly architecture with quiet courtyards and ivy-covered buildings. It's a hub for students, researchers, and philosophers, often buzzing with discussions and debates on various topics bridging the old and the new.

  • Main Features: University, research institutes, Grand Library.

  • Key Landmarks: University of New Olympus, Grand Library of Myths and Mankind.

  • Vibe: Intellectual, tranquil, academic.

  • Activities: Study, research, public lectures.


✧  THE ECHOES     

The Twilight Docks stretch along the riverbank of New Olympus, serving as the city’s main trading gateway. The area is alive with the hustle of loading docks, warehouses, and markets selling exotic goods from across the mythical and human worlds. The architecture is rugged and utilitarian, designed to withstand the elements and the heavy goods that pass through daily. The Sirens' Market, located here, is a popular spot for finding rare ingredients and magical components.

The Echoes is a residential district known for its serene ambiance and beautiful, diverse housing options, from modern apartments to enchanted cottages. The streets are quiet and lined with trees, with community gardens and small parks providing green spaces for families and individuals alike. This district is home to many of New Olympus’ citizens, offering a peaceful daily life away from the city center’s hustle. Notable places include the Harmony Hall, a community center where residents gather for events and meetings.

  • Main Features: Docks, warehouses, trading markets.

  • Key Landmarks: Sirens' Market.

  • Vibe: Busy, pragmatic, adventurous.

  • Activities: Trading, shopping for rare items, seafood dining.

  • Main Features: Residential homes, community gardens.

  • Key Landmarks: Harmony Hall.

  • Vibe: Peaceful, community-focused, familial.

  • Activities: Community gatherings, family outings, gardening.


     COURT IV:     CHARACTERS     


Grayed out images are characters that will be revamped at a later date



✧  GODS  

ㅤname.ㅤㅤarchie 'autolycus' lykos.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ demigod.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤquick-witted, resourceful, charming, adaptable, opportunistic, impulsive, secretive, restless.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤbrown.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤshaggy, brown.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤlean, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤloud, sarcastic.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤmotor oil and cologne.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤKnown as Autolycus in mythology, the son of Hermes has always had a knack for thievery and trickery. However, in New Olympus, Archie Lykos has used these skills to establish Hermes' Couriers, a delivery and logistics company that is the go-to for anyone needing something transported quickly and discreetly. After the formation of the Accords of Harmony, Archie saw an opening for a reliable courier service that could operate effectively in a world where mundane and mythical coexisted. From delivering enchanted weapons to transporting illegal goods, Hermes' Couriers does it all, no questions asked. His close relationship with his father provides a certain level of protection, while his mastery over stealth and speed makes the business incredibly efficient.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤharrison 'hades' black.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ reincarnated god.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤthoughtful, loyal, resourceful, dependable, reserved to the point of aloofness, cynical, reluctant to trust, occasionally morose.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤgreen.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤslicked back, black.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤold books and pomegranates.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤHarrison Black was born into an affluent family with a deep love for history and literature. His parents, both professors, instilled in him a reverence for the past, a quality that would shape much of his future life. From a young age, Harrison felt drawn to the enigmatic realm of mythology and the occult. His affinity for such subjects was so strong that he often felt as if he had lived through those ancient stories himself—a feeling that made sense when he realized his divine origins as a modern-day incarnation of Hades. In his late teens, Harrison began experiencing vivid dreams that connected him to New Olympus. The dreams culminated in a "visit" from a mysterious figure who revealed his divine lineage. At first, he was skeptical but gradually accepted the truth as he discovered his unique powers and capabilities. In his early 20s, Harrison decided to explore New Olympus. When he arrived, he quickly found that the stories were rooted in reality. Mesmerized by this place, he chose to make it his home. Harrison used his considerable inheritance to open "Black Tomes," his bookstore. He aimed for it to be a haven for rare and historical texts, creating a sanctuary where ancient wisdom met modern sensibility. The store quickly gained a reputation for being a place where one could find esoteric works not readily available elsewhere. Its underground section became a well-kept secret, accessible only to those Harry trusted. Despite being a god incarnate, Harrison lives a fairly mortal life. He's experienced love and loss, including a failed marriage that taught him the limits of his divine nature when it came to matters of the human heart.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤcharley 'hermes' lykos.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ reincarnated god.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤwise, insightful, warm-hearted, good sense of humor, persuasive, overly-critical, resistant to change, habit of overworking.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤbrown.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤshort, graying.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤwarm, witty.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤamber and clean laundry.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤCharley Lykos is the contemporary incarnation of Hermes, now living as a beloved father and a successful retired businessman in New Olympus. While Charley has embraced many aspects of modern life, he often finds himself nostalgic for simpler times, which is reflected in his personal interests and parenting style. He adores his son, whose more modern ways sometimes baffle him, but his pride in his son's achievements is boundless. Charley's relationship with his son is built on deep respect and love, even if it's sometimes expressed through gentle ribbing about "kids these days." He's an active member of the community, often seen at local events offering support or words of wisdom. His reputation as a "proud dad" precedes him, and many in the community see Charley as a father figure or mentor, always ready with a listening ear and sage advice. Despite his successes, he remains humble and approachable, grounded in his values and always looking to give back to the city that's given him so much.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤcallum "charon" rhadamanthus.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ reincarnated god.
ㅤage.ㅤㅤearly 50s.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤpatient, meticulous, reliable, possesses an unnerving calmness, detached, unemotional, has a grim sense of humor, can be perceived as cold.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤpale gray.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤlong, gray.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤlow murmur, rarely speaks.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤdamp earth and salt.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤCallum Rhadamanthus, known mostly by his alias "The Ferryman," is a figure shrouded in whispers and mystery within New Olympus. His true origins are known to few, but it is said that he is Charon, the ancient ferryman of Hades, now serving a new role in the mortal realm. His transition from guiding souls to dispatching them was seamless, his eternal patience and detachment from human emotion making him a perfect hitman. He doesn't just eliminate targets; he enacts a ritual with each, observing them, understanding them, and sometimes, in a perverse show of respect, allowing them to know they are being hunted before he strikes. It's not sadism that drives him; it's a deep adherence to some ancient, unfathomable code. He operates with precision and is known to be unyielding once a contract is made. In a world that has forgotten the old ways, he maintains traditions long dead to anyone else. His ferret, a silent shadow named Noodle, is his only companion, the only living being he seems to connect with.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤhendrik 'hephaestus' madge.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ reincarnated god.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤdiligent, patient, artistic and creative, respectful of tradition, dependable, stubborn, reluctant to embrace change, somewhat reclusive, can be overprotective, holds onto grudges.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤbrown.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤshort, brown.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbuly, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤgruff, gravely.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤsweat and steel.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤHendrik Madge, once known in ancient times as Hephaestus, the master blacksmith of the gods, now finds himself living a modest life in New Olympus. He’s had to adapt to modern times but has always stayed close to his passion. Hendrik works at the New Olympus Metal Factory during the day, where his expertise and skills are unmatched. After hours, he transforms his garage into a workshop, complete with a forge and glassblowing station. Here, he crafts everything from ornate metal jewelry to delicate glass figurines, which he either gifts to close friends or sells at local craft fairs. Among his most cherished creations are his small glass animal figurines, each one imbued with a touch of his divine craftsmanship, making them sought after by collectors. While Hendrik has settled into this new life, there are hints of his past that he keeps hidden. The dog tags around his neck suggest a history in some form of military or conflict, perhaps a nod to the battles of ancient times or skirmishes in the modern age. Those who’ve tried to delve deeper have found him to be very private, not keen on revealing too much. In New Olympus, while many might not recognize him for who he once was, those in the know deeply respect him. Hendrik might not have the grandeur and respect he once held as a god, but in this new age, his skills, experience, and wisdom are still revered by those who understand the value of hard work and craftsmanship.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤemmett 'thanatos' lowe.
ㅤspecies.ㅤ reincarnated god.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤreflective, deeply empathetic, surprisingly caring, fiercely loyal to those he lets close, withdrawn, has a melancholic streak, can be seen as standoffish, sometimes dwells too much on the darker aspects of life.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤgray.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤlong, black.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤlean, skinny.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤcitrus and old books.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤEmmett Lowe the modern incarnation of Thanatos, the Greek god of peaceful death. In this life, he's adopted a gothic lifestyle that mirrors the solemnity of his divine essence. Despite his morose exterior, there is a warmth and depth to Emmett. He is a thoughtful individual, often found lost in books about philosophy and the supernatural. His artwork is a means for him to process his eternal connection to death and the afterlife. By night, his more somber passions come to the forefront. He is known to frequent goth clubs and bars, not so much for the social aspect but to be enveloped in the dark ambiance he finds comforting. Rarely engaging with others unless approached, he's developed a reputation for being a solitary figure, a "ghost" among the living. Emmett has a unique relationship with animals traditionally associated with death. Ravens, in particular, are drawn to him, often seen perching near him as he sketches in graveyards. Rumors swirl in New Olympus that he can speak to these creatures, though he dismisses such talk as fanciful whispers.